Yeah, definitely something new to newgrounds. Great job i loved it.
Yeah, definitely something new to newgrounds. Great job i loved it.
Very Dubstep!
Nice experimenting and everything! This is some nice dubstep :]. 10/10. 5/5. Keep it up, and dubstep is very unique and i think you accomplished that well. I liked the piano a lot and the beat was nice as well. Plus i loved all the small details! Very nice job!
Sweeet ;D
This was a really good song. Nice slicing the vocals at the end too. The song was really fun to listen to throughout, good job. 10/10. 5/5!
Thanks for the review!
Oh hell yeah :D
Great job Brando! I dont hear anything wrong when turning up the volume..unless you fixed it before i took a listen lol. I wish i coulda done more tho, but my computer couldnt even play it cause of all the computer is a peice of shit lol. Well im glad this song was finally finished haha. Good job man :]. 10/10. 5/5 from me of course :)
Hey man, yeah I'm happy it's finally finished XD well I'm about sure it's finished. Right now I'm typing this from the computer in the kitchen, and this one is like 3x faster than the one I use to make my music. I opened up the flp on this comp and it ran with pretty much no lag. :3 lol
I would make more music from this computer but it has shit speakers. The sub doesn't work and it sounds really bad, but I guess I could use headphones :D
But yeah anyway, glad you liked it! I might consider adding more to this song, maybe a break in the middle or something. Or I might start something new.
Thanks again for your work and getting this song on the road. Maybe it'll get top 5? Hope and wait.
-Cheers Brando
Thanks for pm!
I liked the song, it was really good haha. The vocals did fit very well in this, and you made it beautifully. I like Flutlitcht a lot and this was a really well made remix. Good job! 10/10. 5/5!
Yeah, I think I did a prety good job. Only to bad I could only render it to 160kbs, I wanted to put the high quality on here. :( Well anyways, I am glad you liked it, that's my only intention to make music, to make people feel happy. Thanks for the review!
You are the melody master :D. I loved every second of this... Great job! 10/10. 5/5. faved.
I liked it :D
But i think you kinda overused the vocal sample xD. You should kinda cut down on it. But overall it was really good and i liked it :D
Oooh very nice :D
I really liked it. All the sounds were pretty much well balanced and i was interested throughout the whole song. I liked all the small details you put into this to make it more interesting, and very nice use of all the sounds here. You always make good songs :D
Mrmilkcarton must be a hard reviewer xD. He likes it but its an 8 :p
I'm glad you think so! :D
Yesh he is, but I'm just glad that he took the time to leave a review. :3
Thanks again for the support!
I like the melody
Sounds like it should be a good song. 10/10. 5/5.
hopefully :D
Stop doin the same thing!
You have to make new songs and stuff man! You repeat too many of your projects. And you dont need VSTs to make good songs, learn to use 3xosc and sytrus. Those two can make infinite sounds. Check out MrMilkCarton's song called Sytrus. He used all sytrus for that song and it sounds great. You dont need Vsts to make a good song :)
Dude, that isn't VST. And frankly, I prefer those sounds. Also, it's been a couple of months before my last one.
I make music because i love music and its fun :)
Age 32, Male
Cerritos High
Joined on 12/2/08